Hummy-oke for SmileDirectClub
Experiential mobile game
The challenge:
Create a fun 5-minute mobile interaction for people whitening their teeth using SmileDirectClub’s bright on™ and in-your-mouth LED light.
The idea:
Users enter a unique, wacky AR lens environment on a social platform, choose a song, and hum along, in wild karaoke-style, while the whitening light is in their mouth. They can then share their video to stories, reels, or TikTok. We call it Hummy-oke.
The idea behind the idea:
Studies show that karaoke can boost your self-esteem and increase confidence - just like the feeling you get flashing a smile you love. It also strengthens bonds between those who enjoy it together - making it perfect for social.

The execution: Place a QR code inside bright on™ LED accelerator light boxes to start the experience.